My Adventures

Everest Base Camp

 I spend a considerable amount of my time competing in events, trekking mountains or cycling all over the countryside. Last year, I put it to my family and their partners, that they could come with me on one of the next two treks I was planning in 2018. I told them that I would fund the family treks and they could pick which one they would like to do with me:

  1. Australian Outback Marathon – AOM – July 2018
  2. Everest Base Camp trek – Nov-Dec 2018

The Everest team was, Elysse (daughter) and her partner Ben, Emily (daughter), Ryan (son in law – Alanna’s husband) and me. We had a year to plan, train, purchase gear needed for the 15 day trek, to organise vaccinations for our stay in Nepal and Visas. Most importantly were the dates, so that the Kenny Mac’s EBC team could get holidays. This because Elysse and Ben are doctors, Emily a nurse and Ryan a paramedic.

I contacted my dear friend Dil Thapa in Nepal, our guide on the Annapurna trek in 2016, who now has his own Trekking company in Kathmandu Awesome Nepal Treks Pvt. Ltd., to finalise the dates.

The dates were set and the EBC team were all very excited and the pre-trek tasks were underway.

Our plan was to leave Sydney for Kathmandu on the 26th Nov 2018, Start the trek 30th Nov, arrive back in Kathmandu 12th Dec 2018 and fly back to Sydney Australia 15th Dec 2018.

Read all about our adventures here: